Thursday, October 25, 2007

Reid Trulson - Vital Partners

One of the joys of today (Oct. 19) has been the opportunity to meet and talk with three men from an order of German Brothers who are serving alongside our missionaries in Vanga and Lusekele. Brother Reinhart had worked in Afghanistan before coming to Congo. He spoke of the priviledge he felt has been given to him to be able to assist the American Baptist mission in Congo. He said that the Brothers' first priority has been evangelization. They have learned, however, that understanding the needs of people and working in very practical ways to meet those needs is in fact the pattern of Jesus' own ministry. Brother Reinhart said the holistic approach through which our missionaries are working is an embodiment of that "Jesus pattern" and a reason that he is so pleased to have a part in the work.

Brother Friedrich is 71 years old and was among the first of the German Brothers who came to Vanga some 27 years ago. He assists in the medical work. Some have speculated whether the time is coming when he will need to leave Vanga to enter retirement. He has been heard to say that when he leaves Vanga he would prefer to enter into heaven.

Brother Kurt, from Switzerland, rides a bike over the deeply rutted road between Vanga and Lusekele each day to assist with the agricultural ministry alongside Ed and Miriam Noyes. He said that few men were entering their order at present. That raises concerns over the ability of the German Brothers to sustain the level of participation in this shared work in the years ahead. However he said the most important thing is to give attention to what the Lord wants us to do here and now rather than to divert attention to forms and functions that God may only have intended to serve the present generation. Perhaps God's surprise for the next generation is something new, rather than an exact continuation of that which the German Brothers have known and loved in their time.

These three men are dearly loved and respected by the missionaries and local leaders alike. They are providing indispensible assistance out of their love of Jesus and out of their deep desire that the Congolese people may also experience the love of God and the joy of walking in the ways of the Holy Spirit

It was a great honor to meet with the German Brothers and to thank them on your behalf for their dedicated and sacrificial service. For 27 years they have shown themselves to truly be vital partners to the glory of God.


Norman Abell said...

Thank you for these words from the German Brothers. When Dr. Dan Fountain recruited them from a situation in Kinshasa that was unsatisfactory it was "something new" in the words of Brother Kurt. Just so, in this generation we must be ready for "God's surprises" (Brother Kurt's words again) for the future.
Thank you, Brothers, for a generation of service.
Dr Norman and Jean Abell

Don Watson said...

Reid, thank you for these words. Five of us representing the Noyes MPT visited Kinshasa, Vanga and Lusekele for a three week Mission Work Trip, August 2006. One of our most memorable experiences was meeting the German Brothers. Our senior member received medical care from Brother Fredhelm on our last day in Vanga. Ed & Miriam so wanted to meet you there, yet God is being praised through their contacts here on the West Coast. Ed & Miriam return to DR Congo in ten days.

Praying for your team's safe travels home.
Don Watson, Noyes MPT Convener